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By Invitation Only

'If You Only Knew' national exhibit returns for

invitation-only show

Sorry in advance for the repeat information!

As many of you remember, I started the year off by submitting work to be a part of a national exhibit in Woodstock, IL. The theme of the show being "If You Only Knew" gave artists a chance to tell a secret through their work. Some of the secrets dug deep into the pasts of the creators, while others were simply the "secret ingredient" used to create the artwork itself. We had a beautiful and bustling opening night full of networking and inspiration. The show was a huge success and will be running for a second time in the fall, and is by invitation-only.

Right now the show is scheduled for September 7 through November 3 at the

Freeport Art Museum in Freeport, Illinois, with an opening reception on September 8 from 6-9PM. As more information becomes available I will share here and on the Liz VonBorden Facebook and Instagram pages. Thank you for the ongoing support!

“As part of “If You Only Knew,” more than 30 featured artists wrote letters revealing something secret, unknown or surprising about themselves or their work.” Those who attended were given those letters, and could either share the stories or keep the contents secret.

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